PDF documentation for the DEC MiniMINC

Icon Filename File size Timestamp Description
Parent directory  
B1_ItMM.pdf 4588143 2017-11-03 16:27:16 Book 1 Introduction to MiniMINC, August 1979, AA-H400A-TC, VERSION 1.1 (Thanks to Aad van der Heiden)
01IntroCh1.txt 25571 2009-01-24 21:58:43 Book 1 Introduction to MiniMINC TOC and Chapter 1 (text)
01IntroCh2.txt 15635 2009-01-24 20:29:27 Book 1 Introduction to MiniMINC Chapter 2 (text)
01IntroCh3.txt 18050 2009-01-25 11:02:25 Book 1 Introduction to MiniMINC Chapter 3 (text)
01IntroCh456.txt 21805 2009-01-25 16:22:20 Book 1 Introduction to MiniMINC Chapter 4, 5, 6 (text)
01IntroAppAB.txt 27816 2009-01-25 21:45:35 Book 1 Introduction to MiniMINC Appendix A and B (text)
01IntroGlos.txt 23639 2009-01-26 16:45:25 Book 1 Introduction to MiniMINC Glossary (text)
B2_MPF.pdf 11307766 2017-08-08 17:40:58 Book 2 MINC Programming Fundamentals, June 1980, AA-D799B-TC, VERSION 1.2 (Thanks to Aad van der Heiden)
B3_MPR.pdf 8396925 2017-08-17 18:24:02 Book 3 MINC Programming Reference, November 1978, AA-D800A-TC, VERSION 1.0 (Thanks to Aad van der Heiden)
B4_MGP.pdf 7720575 2017-08-18 15:26:27 Book 4 MINC Graphics Programming, November 1978, AA-D574A-TC, VERSION 1.0 (Thanks to Aad van der Heiden)
MMS.pdf 3439539 2017-11-04 09:09:24 MiniMINC Supplement, August 1979, AA_H789A-TC, VERSION 1.1 (Thanks to Aad van der Heiden)
MACRO-11_AdministratorGuide.pdf 688289 2009-02-20 16:50:05 MACRO-11 Administration Guide (EY-DC046-AG-001)

Directory contains 12 files

Generated by indexmaker.pl version 1.4 at 2017-11-04 09:30:51

Email fjkraan@electrickery.nl